Berkshire Hiking now has a tour service that will take you to the most beautiful and remote areas of western Connecticut and Massachusetts. We focus on hiking tours and scenic drives but we can also recommend adventure tour companies in the area if you're looking for high octane fun (biking, kayaking, scenic flights, rockclimbing, snow shoe and ski adventures). It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or an extreme sport fanatic...a toddler or "elder statesmen"...we can help put a smile on your face :) If you've never been to this region, the Litchfield Hills and Berkshire Mountains are perfect playground spots. Mountains, fields, rivers, ponds, lakes, waterfalls, cliffs, nature...it's all here. You have all the modern conveniences but it's so easy to "get away from it all".
(If you're an outdoor enthusiast just looking for a ride to a trail, kayak run, etc., click here to skip ahead to that section.)
My name is Keith Riley and I've been exploring this region all my life. I was very fortunate to have 5 older brothers who were great to me as a kid. They always included me in on their road trips and outdoor adventures. I have a lot of found memories of being in the back of a car with a few or tons of people heading out somewhere with usually one of my brothers at the wheel. As the kids say now, "back in the day" there always seemed to be a car full of older kids going somewhere...ballgame, city, hike, lake...and often I'd get to join in. As a result I've come to know this region quite well and can take you on some fun rides myself (G-rated, of course). My goal is not only to make a few extra bucks but to provide a reliable service that showcases all the great natural resources in the area. So if you're interested in visiting and looking for a guide of sorts or not quite sure what to do, give me a call. I'm sure I can come up with something good! rides@berkshirehiking.com or call 203.788.7665.
Ryan Auge' runs Saddleback Trading Post out of North Adams, MA. and will handled tours in western MA and southern Vermont/New Hamphire. Ryan found Berkshire Hiking via an Internet search. He liked the site and offered to add hikes in his area. It was perfect because it's been my goal to list hikes in that region as well. I had a chance to hike with Ryan recently (and his cool dog Potter) and can honestly say he's a great guy and would be a perfect guide for both beginners and advanced outdoor enthusiasts. Not too long ago, he gave up a nice post-college corporate job for a real job...hiking!!...he moved back home to the place he loves to do what he loves most. Ryan can take you out on the best hiking and snow shoe adventures you'll find in the northeast, so get up there! He's right on Main Street, North Adams which is a great town and the surrounding country is beautiful. He also runs a shuttle service in his area for Appalachian Trail hikers and outdoor enthusiasts. Visit the Saddleback page to see what he offers and to meet Ryan. And don't forget to tell him Berkshire Hiking sent you, so that everyone in your group will get a free drink and snack on us!
If you're not into an organized outdoor tour guide or adventure but just needing a ride to and from a trail, bike path, fly fishing spot, kayak drop-off, campsite, or wanting to take a nice comfortable ride with a scenic flight, shopping, or dining experience thrown it, you can also be accommodated. I'll supply the driving, first rate service, and local knowledge... you tell me where you want to go and what you want to do. Email rides@berkshirehiking.com or call 203.788.7665.
Bus and Train info
(NOTE: For those not interested in this service but looking for ways to get up here. 1) Bonanza Bus has a route with stops in various rural towns in western Connecticut and Massachusetts that may be near your trails or parks - www.bonanzabus.com/nypitben.htm. 2) Metro North train that runs out of Grand Central Station in Manhattan and goes upstate New York has an Appalachian Trail stop which will drop you off right at the trail head near the Connecticut border. Check their website for information, www.mta.nyc.ny.us/mnr/, and click on MAPS from the top menu and then Metro-North Rail for a visual of their stations. )